In a thrilling continuation of their NFT ventures, ShibCoOp announces the release of the ‘CoOp Founders’ NFT Collection, a follow up from the unprecedented success of...
As Shibarium continues to grow the release of K9 Finance’s Litepaper V1 has sparked considerable excitement. This document, a beacon for the future of decentralized finance...
In a bold move that’s shaking up the decentralized finance (DeFi) world, Marswap has just made a game-changing announcement. It’s spreading its wings across several blockchain...
In an unprecedented move shaking the foundations of the cryptocurrency universe, the Shiba Inu ecosystem has strategically allied with K9 Finance, a pioneering platform within the...
In another exciting cryptocurrency space first, the quickly becoming famous MarSwap Multi-Chain Decentralized Exchange (DEX) has announced integration with the BNB chain. Anchoring a truly outstanding...
It’s a special day in the world of Defi as $SHARBI is celebrating its first birthday on January 25th! And what better way to mark this...
In recent news from the Shiba Inu team, there’s a big change happening with how SHIB tokens will be burned going forward. Up until now they’ve...
The Shibarium network has experienced rapid growth and now the community is preparing for a special event they’ve organized called the Shibarium Poker Tournament. Set to...
Get ready for some fun times ahead! Last time we had an incredible turnout of more than 1400 enthusiasts coming together creating an unforgettable atmosphere.. Now...