Shibarium’s Puppynet, also known as SHIBARIUM Beta, has hit a series of significant milestones, gaining immense attention and enthusiasm within the Shib Army community. Surpassing a...
In a recent address on the Shibarium Discord, Shytoshi Kusama delivered a powerful and inspiring message to the Shib Army. With an air of anticipation and...
In response to the overwhelming anticipation from the crypto community, Tangem, a leading provider of cryptocurrency storage solutions, has officially announced the commencement of the pre-sale...
In the dynamic world of blockchain technology and decentralized finance, new projects are constantly emerging, aiming to transform our interactions with digital assets. Among these projects,...
The internet is talking as details of the burn portal on #ShibariumAlpha, the alpha version of Shibarium, have been leaked. Although the leaked information is subject...
NFA Labs, now a Major player in the crypto space, is making waves with its groundbreaking projects. During an AMA session on Binance, representatives of NFA...
In a significant move driven by community participation, Tarmex Exchange has revealed its decision to list $BONE, the gas token for the Shibarium L2 ecosystem. The...
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, investors are constantly seeking strategies that can provide them with a competitive edge. The NFAi team has taken up this...
PawZone, a prominent player in the realm of projects building on Shibarium, is thrilled to offer an exclusive preview of PawFi, their groundbreaking project as the...
They say that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but the team behind the PawZaar NFT marketplace on Shibarium is hoping to change that....