In a groundbreaking release today, Shib – The Metaverse introduced Rocket Pond, an eagerly anticipated addition to their virtual world. The announcement has set the stage...
In a recent tweet, Lucie Shib shared some thrilling updates that have sparked anticipation among the community. One of the highlights is the imminent unveiling of...
Trust is of paramount importance within the Shiba Inu Ecosystem, particularly when it comes to the development of projects. Among these projects, Pawzone has emerged as...
Shiba Inu (SHIB), a cryptocurrency that has evolved from a meme into a full-fledged movement, has now found a new home for its passionate Shib Army...
Kraken Pro, a renowned cryptocurrency exchange that holds a special place in the hearts of the SHIB Army, has recently made a captivating announcement that has...
Shibarium’s Puppynet, also known as SHIBARIUM Beta, has hit a series of significant milestones, gaining immense attention and enthusiasm within the Shib Army community. Surpassing a...
In a recent weekly poll conducted within the Shiba Inu (SHIB) community, participants were asked to vote for the project they believed had the strongest community...
In a recent address on the Shibarium Discord, Shytoshi Kusama delivered a powerful and inspiring message to the Shib Army. With an air of anticipation and...
In a remarkable development that has set the Shib Army community abuzz, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has successfully reclaimed its AAA rating on Certik, a leading blockchain...
Calling all avid gamers! Brace yourselves for an adrenaline-fueled showdown as the highly anticipated Shiba Eternity Tournament makes its triumphant return. Proudly sponsored by DOGPAD Finance,...