In a groundbreaking release today, Shib – The Metaverse introduced Rocket Pond, an eagerly anticipated addition to their virtual world. The announcement has set the stage...
SHIB-The Metaverse has been a much anticipated project for the SHIB community. They will be releasing a blog update to provide details on the current status...
Get ready to enter the exciting world of ShibTheMetaverse with the Shib CoOp – a community project that aims to serve individuals, groups, and businesses interested...
The Shiba Inu Token will now have more utility as it was just announced that Shib The Metaverse will utilize Shib. According to Shib Growth Breed...
So today was the Watch Guru SHIBA Inu AMA. If you missed it you missed out on a lot of key points. The future of the...
We are all aware that more and more companies are doing everything they can to lock their positions into the Metaverse, NFT’s, and Cryptocurrency. News that...
An announcement on Shiba Inu’s official blog seems to confirm rumors of why the name #SHIBERSE was used and not the real name for their Metaverse....