PawZone, a prominent player in the realm of projects building on Shibarium, is thrilled to offer an exclusive preview of PawFi, their groundbreaking project as the...
In an exciting development for the blockchain community, Shibarium Beta, also known as “Puppynet,” is experiencing a significant increase in transactions, highlighting its rising utility and...
Get ready for an exciting Twitter space that you want to attend. The just-announced Huobi x SHIB Army Twitter Space is just around the corner, and...
The Shiba Inu ecosystem has been abuzz with excitement ever since the launch of Shibarium Beta, and now with projects like Shibarium Perpetuals building the first...
Can you believe that it is almost 1 year since the beginning of the Shib Weekly Recap, a popular Twitter space created by @shibbender. This dedicated...
The world of cryptocurrencies has opened up new opportunities and innovations for people across the globe, and blockchain technology has given rise to a surge in...
They say that there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but the team behind the PawZaar NFT marketplace on Shibarium is hoping to change that....
If you’re involved in the world of crypto and/or NFTs, you’re probably all too familiar with the insanely high gas fees lately. Even small transactions can...
SHIB-The Metaverse has been a much anticipated project for the SHIB community. They will be releasing a blog update to provide details on the current status...
Huobi, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced that it will list BONE, the governance token of ShibaSwap and the gas token for the...