Shiba Television, a renowned channel within the Spanish-speaking ecosystem, is making waves on the Kick platform. Known for its weekly news updates and captivating interviews featuring...
Get ready for some exhilarating news! The Shib Army is abuzz with excitement as Shibarium’s Puppynet, AKA, SHIBARIUM Beta, has achieved remarkable milestones. Surpassing a stunning...
Shiba Sequoia Forest has recently launched its updated website, marking the beginning of an extraordinary project that harmoniously combines music, NFTs, Crypto, and real-world tree planting....
NFA Labs, now a Major player in the crypto space, is making waves with its groundbreaking projects. During an AMA session on Binance, representatives of NFA...
Exciting news is on the horizon for the #SHIBARMY community! Tangem is gearing up to release SHIB-themed cold wallets that will undoubtedly capture your attention. These...
There are some real gems that we can find that are building for Shibarium, and a groundbreaking project is set to reshape the landscape of decentralized...
Pawzaar, the NFT marketplace built for Shibatium and Shib Army Community, is coming closer to its revelation. With the upcoming release of their PawPaper, also known...
Excitement is building as Shibarium Technology gears up to host an exclusive and highly-anticipated Twitter Spaces event on May 15th at 8 AM PDT. Get ready...
PawZone, a prominent player in the realm of projects building on Shibarium, is thrilled to offer an exclusive preview of PawFi, their groundbreaking project as the...
In an exciting development for the blockchain community, Shibarium Beta, also known as “Puppynet,” is experiencing a significant increase in transactions, highlighting its rising utility and...