Shiba Television, a renowned channel within the Spanish-speaking ecosystem, is making waves on the Kick platform. Known for its weekly news updates and captivating interviews featuring...
Pawzaar, the NFT marketplace built for Shibatium and Shib Army Community, is coming closer to its revelation. With the upcoming release of their PawPaper, also known...
The Shiba Inu ecosystem has been abuzz with excitement ever since the launch of Shibarium Beta, and now with projects like Shibarium Perpetuals building the first...
SHIB The Metaverse has made significant progress since its last blog post. The project has achieved many milestones, such as events, team structural changes, new designs...
Shibarium Tech Discord is rapidly growing for so many Shiba Inu Ecosystem enthusiasts, with already almost 7000 members and over 100,000 posts to date. The server...
Wow! The Shib Army is celebrating as the announcement has come that Shibarium BETA, AKA the PUPPYNET, is now live. In a brand new blog post,...
Many have been speculating as to the exact time that SHIBARIUM would be announced but now it seems to be confirmed by Shytoshi Kusma himself. Rumors...
The power of Shib Army, even during down times in the crypto market, is truly breathtaking as it reaches a goal of 1000 Retweets after being...
Whales have always bought Shiba Inu Tokens but it has been a while since a new whale was born with such a massive purchase. Today a...
An Impressive week of burning in the Shiba Inu community as 395,803,998 we sent to the burn wallets according to As impressive as this is...